Things Feng Shui Masters Want You to Declutter for a Fresh Start

Have you ever walked into a room and felt an inexplicable sense of calm or, conversely, a wave of negativity? It might not be ghosts or spirits at play, but rather the energy flow within the space.

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, translates to “wind” and “water” and focuses on harmonizing the energy, or qi (pronounced “chee”), in your living environment.

By creating a balanced and supportive space, Feng Shui practitioners believe you can cultivate positive energy flow to enhance various aspects of your life, from career success to good health and strong relationships.

While the practice might seem complex, there’s a simple first step: decluttering. Here, Feng Shui experts share 14 items they recommend letting go of to create a more vibrant and positive space:

Broken or Damaged Belongings

Imagine your possessions holding energy, much like a battery. Broken or damaged items, like chipped mugs with faded paint or a lamp with a flickering bulb that you keep meaning to fix, symbolize stagnant or disrupted energy.

These items can represent a feeling of being stuck or unable to move forward in your life. Letting go of them creates space for new beginnings and allows for a smoother flow of positive energy.

Think beyond function: A chipped teacup might still hold liquid, but according to Feng Shui, it represents a broken wholeness. Consider replacing it with a complete item that signifies a sense of integrity.

For example, a chipped mug used every morning might subtly reinforce feelings of incompleteness or hinder your ability to fully embrace a new day.

Unused or Stopped Clocks

Have you ever noticed how time seems to crawl when you’re bored? Feng Shui masters believe the same applies to stagnant energy.

A broken or unused clock symbolizes a halted flow of time, which can hinder progress and create feelings of being stuck. Imagine a clock perpetually stuck at 3 pm – it represents a missed opportunity or a feeling of being perpetually behind schedule.

Embrace the present: Replace a broken clock or, better yet, remove unused ones altogether. Surround yourself with clocks that function properly to represent a healthy relationship with time and a sense of moving forward. A clock that works flawlessly reinforces feelings of productivity and the ability to manage time effectively.

Clutter Near the Entrance

The entrance of your home is considered the “mouth of qi,” the entry point for energy flow. A cluttered entryway with overflowing shoe racks, dangling coats, and forgotten bags can block this flow, hindering new opportunities from entering your life.

Imagine positive energy like a gentle breeze – a cluttered entryway acts like a closed window, preventing it from entering your home.

Create a welcoming flow: Clear away shoes, coats, and bags from the doorway. Consider adding a coat rack or shoe cabinet nearby to maintain a clear and inviting entryway. This creates a clear pathway for positive energy to flow freely and allows new opportunities to enter your life.

Dried Flowers and Dead Plants

While dried flowers might seem like a pretty decoration, in Feng Shui, they represent stagnant energy and a clinging to the past. Imagine a dried bouquet – it’s a beautiful reminder of a bygone occasion, but it also represents a moment frozen in time.

Dead plants, with their withered leaves and drooping stems, also symbolize a lack of vitality and growth.

Embrace fresh beginnings: Replace dried flowers with vibrant, living plants that symbolize growth and new beginnings.

Opt for plants that are easy to care for, such as snake plants or spider plants, to ensure they stay healthy and contribute to a sense of renewal. These thriving plants represent the potential for growth and new beginnings in your own life.

De-cluttering for Positive Energy

Beyond removing physical clutter, Feng Shui also focuses on the energy carried by objects. Here are some additional items Feng Shui experts recommend letting go of:

Plants with Spiky Foliage

Plants with sharp edges or thorns, like cacti or holly bushes, are believed to emit harsh energy that can lead to arguments and conflict within the home. Imagine a cactus – its prickly exterior can represent a feeling of being guarded or on edge.

Cultivate peace: Opt for plants with round or smooth leaves, such as peace lilies or jade plants, which are believed to promote harmony and positive energy flow. The round, gentle leaves of these plants symbolize a sense of peace and tranquility.

Worn-Out or Dim Lighting

Dim or flickering lights can create a sense of gloom and negativity. Similarly, faded photos, with their blurry images and dulled colors, represent the past and can evoke feelings of nostalgia or sadness.

Imagine a room bathed in dim or flickering light – it can feel like a space shrouded in shadows, hindering motivation and creativity.

Faded photos, with their blurry images and dulled colors, represent the past and can evoke feelings of nostalgia or sadness, which can hold you back from embracing new experiences.

Embrace brightness and positivity: Replace dim bulbs with bright, warm lighting. Consider installing dimmer switches to allow for adjustable lighting based on mood and activity. Replace faded photos with vibrant images that evoke joy and inspiration.

This could be anything from photographs of happy memories with loved ones to scenic landscapes or inspiring artwork. Bright lighting creates a sense of energy and possibility, while positive imagery uplifts your mood and fuels your motivation.

Displaying Weapons or Hunting Trophies

Weapons and hunting trophies are seen as representing aggressive energy that can create tension and conflict within the home. Imagine a sword hanging on the wall – its sharp edge can symbolize a constant state of being on guard or ready for battle.

Promote peace: If these items hold sentimental value, consider storing them away from common living spaces. Opt for artwork or decorative elements that promote peace and tranquility.

This could include calming nature scenes, soothing water features, or sculptures with flowing, organic shapes. These elements promote feelings of harmony and relaxation within your home.

Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You: Sentimental Items That Evoke Negative Feelings

While some sentimental items bring back happy memories, others can evoke feelings of sadness, anger, or regret.

Holding onto these items can keep you tethered to the past and hinder your ability to move forward. Imagine a dusty box filled with old love letters from a past relationship – clinging to these items can prevent you from opening yourself up to new love.

Honor the memories, let go of the burden:

Take a picture of the item or write down a memory associated with it. Then, with gratitude for the memories, let go of the physical object. This allows you to acknowledge the past while making space for new experiences in your life.


Decluttering with Feng Shui principles is not about rigid rules, but rather about cultivating a space that feels harmonious and supportive. By letting go of items that represent stagnant or negative energy, you create space for positive energy to flow freely.

This can lead to a sense of renewed vitality, improved well-being, and the ability to attract more abundance and opportunity into your life.

Remember, your home is a reflection of you, so surround yourself with things that inspire you and make you feel good. By decluttering with intention and embracing the principles of Feng Shui, you can create a space that empowers you to thrive.

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